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Serving an Indian Meal

Serving an Indian Meal

It is not uncommon for banana leaves to be used as plates in the Southern India, though the thali service will be more universal. Thali is a round metal tray that holds a few smaller bowls known as katori, which happens to be made of metal too. Rice or chapati are put on the metal tray while the curries along with other accompaniments are usually served in the bowls. Indian food is eaten using the fingers of the right hand only, for it is regarded as rude to make use of the 'unclean' left hand to touch food.

Some orthodox Hindus believe that spoons, forks and dishes which have been utilized over and over may be unclean, however in the majority of Indian towns and cities, Western practices have taken over and Indian food is served on dinner plates and served with spoon and fork.

Rice is served initial in the middle of the plate, after that different curries and accompaniments are put around it. The rice is actually the base, and only 1 curry ought to be sampled with every mouthful of rice to be able to enjoy the individual spicing of every dish.

The challenge of amounts is crucial. One really needs to forget about the Western concept of a lot of meat or even fish with a bit of rice. Rice is definitely the main part of the meal and curries cooked with meat, fish or vegetables need to be served in smaller servings. There is wisdom with this too, since when food is spiced, it requires the bland background of rice to please the taste buds and placate the digestion.

Whenever consuming Indian breads with a meal, there isn't any option but to eat with one's fingers. Tear off a bit of chapati or paratha, use it to scoop up the accompaniment, fold it over nicely, and then eat it. Just like Chinese or Japanese cuisine is more enjoyable eaten with chopsticks, Indian food tastes better eaten using the fingers. Fingerbowls are provided, or course.

What to drink with an Indian meal has become the topic of much debate. Cold drinking water is easily the most authentic, however , many Indians favor a sweet drink like sharbat gulab or falooda. They are undoubtedly helpful in quenching fiery spices. For individuals who desire an alcoholic drink, a chilled lager or shandy, or wine cup using a semi-sweet white wine or rose wine is allowable, but fine dry wines and curries tend not to go together. One caution though, carbonated or 'fizzy' drinks, such as lager beer, often exaggerate the burning discomfort of a really hot curry. So does ice-cold drinking water.

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