Asian Online Recipes (Vegetables Guide)
Guide to Vegatables

Apples - Treatments of Many Ailments

Using Apples to Maintain and Treat Ailments

Apples are invaluable in the maintenance of good health and in the treatment of many ailments. It was said long ago, 'to eat an apple before going to bed will make the doctor beg his bread'. The modern version of this ancient saving, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away', sums up the healthful and nourishing qualities of apples. The apple is generally taken raw and is used as a dessert fruit. Apples can be used as a salad and taken with other fruits, or cooked or baked. They can also be used in the form of dried apple, apple jelly, apple juice or cider and vinegar. Freshly prepared apple juice is one of the best fruit juices.

The active medicinal principle of apple is pectin, natural therapeutic ingredient found in the inner portion of the rind and the pulp. Pectin aids in detoxification by supplying the 'galacturonic acid' needed for the elimination of certain harmful substances. It also helps to prevent decomposition of protein matter in the alimentary canal. The malic acid contained in the apple is beneficial to the bowels, liver and brain.

Apples should not be consumed on an empty stomach as it may lead to indigestion. Apples are often sprayed with poisonous chemicals to prevent them from decay, the fruits should be thoroughly washed and cleaned in all possible ways before consumption.


Apples, being rich in iron, arsenic and phosphorus, are highly beneficial in the treatment of anemia. It will be particularly useful in the form of freshly prepared apple juice. It may be taken in quantities of 1 kg daily with beneficial results. The best time to take the juice is half an hour before meals and just before retiring to bed. The cider should be drawn from selected apples which should be thoroughly washed before crushing.


Apples are highly beneficial in the treatment of all types of headache. A ripe apple, after removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion should be taken with a little salt every morning on empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week. It will yield good results even in cases of disgusting chronic headache.

Rheumatic Afflictions

Apples are regarded an excellent food medicine for gout, arthritis and rheumatism especially when these diseases are caused by uric acid poisoning. The malic acid contained in them is believed to neutralize the uric acid and afford relief to the sufferers. When boiled to a jelly stake, it makes a very good liniment for rheumatic pains. They should be rubbed freely on the affected area.

Dry Cough

Sweet apples are valuable in dry hacking cough. Nearly 250 grams of sweet apples should be taken daily for about a week to obtain relief.

Kidney Stones

Apples are useful in kidney stones. In countries where the natural unsweetened cider is the common beverage, cases of stone or calculus are practically absent. The ripe fresh fruit will be more valuable.

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