Asian Online Recipes (Sri Lankan Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Love Cake Recipe

Love Cake Recipe

A very popular Sri Lankan cake. There are many different recipes using different ingredients.

Ingredients :

7 eggs, separated

500 g caster sugar

250 g semolina

375 g raw cashew, chopped finely

2 tablespoons rose water

2 tablespoons honey

1/2 teaspoon lemon rind, grated finely

1/2 teaspoon mace, ground

1/2 teaspoon cardamom, ground

1/2 teaspoon almond essence


Method :

Line a 20 cm square tin with 2 thicknesses of greaseproof paper. Use melted butter to brush the inner side of the greaseproof paper in the square tin. Beat the egg yolks and caster sugar until creamy. Stir in the cashews, rose water, semolina, lemon rind, honey, spices and almond essence. Beat the egg whites until they peak. Fold into the mixture and mix well. Pour into the prepared square tin and bake in moderately slow oven until the love cake is goldenbrown in color. It should also feels firm when touched. Cover the top with foil if the love cake start to brown too quickly. Remove the oven when cooked. Leave in the tin to cool before cutting. Do not turn out the love cake from the tin. Instead cut into small squares and lift out pieces by pieces on to serving plate.


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