Asian Online Recipes (Vietnamese Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Pho Recipe

Beef Pho Recipe

You may perhaps feel that this recipe along with a salad tend to be a strange combination when served together, however do not miss out on this national dish by becoming too mindful. Instead just like the moh hin gha of Burma, the strong stock is actually mixed with various other ingredients to produce a meal in a bowl. Serve it right while dining, retaining the stock hot in an electric appliance and adding some other components to every bowl.

Ingredients :

500 g Gravy beef

3 kg Beef rib bones

500 g Rump steak

2 Onions, sliced

1 teaspoon Whole black peppercorns

500 g Fresh rice noodles

500 g Fresh bean sprouts

6 Scallions

4 Firm ripe tomatoes

2 White onions

3 cm piece of fresh ginger

Stick of cinnamon

Salt to taste

Fish sauce

Lemon wedges

Fresh red or green chilies, chopped

Chopped fresh coriander leaves


Method :

Make the stock by adding a large pan with cold water to cover the bones, gravy beef, sliced onions, ginger, cinnamon stick and whole peppercorns. Bring to the boil and turn down the heat to very low. Cover and simmer for 6 hours. Add salt to taste Slice the noodles into 1 cm strips and pour boiling water over, then drain, or steam in a colander for 5 minutes. Prepare salad ingredients. Scald bean sprouts by pouring boiling water over them in a colander. Run cold water over. If necessary, pinch off any straggly brown tails. Slice scallions thinly. Cut tomatoes in half lengthways, then slice each half. Peel and slice onions thinly. Slice steak paper thin in bite-size pieces. Arrange all on a serving plate.


When serving, put a ladle of noodles and a ladle of bean sprouts in each large soup bowl. Put a few slices of beef, tomato and onion in a large ladle, immerse in the boiling stock until beef begins to lose its redness. Beef should be pale pink. Pour contents of the ladle over the noodles and bean sprouts. Guests add fish sauce, lemon juice, chilies and fresh coriander to taste.


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