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Appliance Thermometers

Appliance Thermometers

Controlling temperature is one of the critical factors in controlling bacteria in food. At temperatures below 40 degrees F, pathogenic microorganisms grow very slowly but multiply very rapidly at between 40 and 140 degrees F. At temperatures above 140 degrees F, they are destroyed. So to ensure that food are safe for consumption, it must be stored at proper cold temperatures in refrigerators or freezers and also must be cooked thoroughly. But how would you know if the refrigerator is cold enough or the oven is actually heating at the proper temperature?

Appliance thermometers are specially designed to measure the air temperature of either the refrigerator or the oven. Similar in appearance with the food thermometers, some refrigerator thermometers also have long metal probes while some are designed to hang from a wire rack or sit on a shelf. Most appliance thermometers are either liquid-filled thermometers or bimetallic-coil thermometers irregardless of whether they are used to measure temperature in the refrigerator, freezer or the oven.

The oldest types of thermometers used in home kitchens are the liquid-filled thermometers which are also known as "spirit-filled" or "liquid in glass" thermometers. The colored liquid inside the thermometer will expands and rises to indicate the temperature on a scale as the temperature increases.

As for the bimetallic-coil thermometers, they contain a coil made from two different metals with different rates of expansion that are bonded together. The bimetal element is coiled, fixed at one end, and attached to a pointer stem at the other end. The pointer will be rotated by the coiled bimetal element to indicate the temperature as the temperature increases.

More Thermometers

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