Whenever you purchased a new thermometer and
about to use it for the first time, you need to calibrate it.
Thermometers will also need to be calibrated whenever they are dropped
or when going from one temperature extreme to another. Thermometers are
a critical measuring equipments for temperature to ensure the safety and
quality of many food products.
Also remember to sanitize thermometers
before using and in between using. You could clean and sanitize the
thermometer by washing it in hot, soapy water, rinse and wipe dry or you
could use a sanitizing solution suitable for food contact surfaces.
Allow the thermometer to sit in a sanitizing solution for about two
minutes. Then use hot water to rinse the thermometer.
There are two methods that you could use to
calibrate thermometers -
Ice Point Method - Fill a container
with crushed ice and water. Ensure that the container have enough
crushed ice to provide an environment of 32 degrees F, so you may need
to add more ice into the container during the process. It will takes
about 4 to 5 minutes for the mixture of water to stabilized. Then insert
the thermometer which needs to be calibrated into the appropriate
immersion depth. Hold the thermometer away from the bottom and sides of
the container to avoid error. If your thermometer is not accurate at 32
degrees F, adjust the thermometer accordingly.
Boiling Point Method - Fill a
container with distilled water and heat it up. After the temperature in
the water has reached the boiling point, insert the thermometer . Be
sure to leave at least a two inch gap between the thermometer sensing
element and the bottom and sides of the container to avoid error. If
your thermometer is not accurate at 212 degrees F, adjust the
thermometer accordingly.