Asian Online Recipes (Asian Desserts)
Asian Online Recipes - Delicious Desserts

Bubur Cha Cha Recipe

Bubur Cha Cha Recipe

Ingredients :

300 g yam, diced

300 g sweet potatoes, diced

80 g black-eyed beans, soaked for 3 hours

80 g pearl sago

500 g grated coconut

5 cups water

Salt to taste

2 tablespoons tapioca flour


Syrup -

150 g sugar

4 pandanus leaves, shredded and knotted

1 cup water


Method :

Separately steam the yam and sweet potatoes for about 15 minutes or until the roots are softened. Set aside. Add some water to a pot and boil the black-eyed beans until soft. Drain and set aside. Put the sago in a sieve and place the sieve in a large bowl. Rinse under cold running water before cooking in a pot of hot water until transparent. Remove the sago and rinse under cold water and drain. Coat with the tapioca flour. Obtain the thick coconut milk by squeezing the grated coconut, and strain. Add salt to the coconut milk and keep refrigerated. Add another 5 cups of water to the coconut residue. Squeeze to obtain the thin coconut milk.


Using a pot, boil the sugar, water and pandanus leaves until the sugar dissolves. Add the thin coconut milk and boil for about 5 minutes. Add the sweet potatoes, yam, black-eyed beans and sago. Stir evenly.


Upon boiling, add the thick coconut milk. Immediately remove the pot from the heat. Prior to serving, remove the pandanus leaves. Bubur Cha Cha can be serve either cold or hot.

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