Asian Online Recipes (Asian Desserts)
Asian Online Recipes - Delicious Desserts

Carrot Sweetmeat Recipe

Carrot Sweetmeat Recipe

Ingredients : (makes about 20 pieces)

60 g ghee

500 g carrots

1/4 teaspoon cardaomo. ground

1.5 cups sugar

1/2 cup hot water

1 cup cream

4 tablespoons dried milk powder

2 tablespoons almonds, slivered and blanched


Method :

Heat up the ghee using a heavy wok. Add in the washed and grated carrots. Cook without a lid over moderate heat, keep stirring. Cover with a lid and reduce heat to very low. Cook until carrots are softened and all the liquid are almost dried. While the carrots are cooking, simultaneously make a syrup with the water and sugar. Add the sugar syrup to the carrots together with the milk powder and cream. Stir vigorously to mix all the ingredients together and cook, stirring continueosly, until mixture is dry and not sticking to the sides of the pan. Turn on to a dish greased with oil or butter, set aside to cool. Cut into various shapes or squares to serve.

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