Asian Online Recipes (Asian Desserts)
Asian Online Recipes - Delicious Desserts

Coconut Jelly Recipe

Coconut Jelly Recipe

Ingredients :

10 g agar-agar strands

400 ml water

400 ml canned coconut milk

150 ml canned coconut cream

150 g sugar

Rose water to flavor


Method :

Use a pot of cold water to soak the strands of agar-agar overnight or at least 1-2 hour. Drain and measure to ensure that there should be at 1 1/2 cups of agar-agar, loosely packed. Use a saucepan and mix the agar-agar strands with coconut milk and water and stir constantly while bringing to the boil. Add sugar and keep stirring and simmering for about 15 minutes or until all the agar-agar strands are fully dissolved.


Remove the pot from heat and add in the coconut cream. Flavor to taste with the rose water, then pour into a dish rinsed out with cold water and allow to set. Cut into various shapes or squares. Best to be eaten with fingers. Serve chill.

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