Asian Online Recipes (Asian Desserts)
Asian Online Recipes - Delicious Desserts

Creamed Almonds Recipe

Creamed Almonds Recipe

Ingredients :

1 liter milk

300 ml cream

130 g sugar

1 tablespoon ghee

100 g flaked almonds

1/2 teaspoon cardamom, ground

Pinch of saffron strands

Flaked almonds, garnish


Method :

Combine milk, ghee and cream in a heavy saucepan before bringing to the boil and stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to low, stir in the sugar and almonds until the sugar is fully dissolved. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until the mixture thickens like custard. Occasionally stir when necessary.


Heat up a small pan over moderate heat and toast the saffron strands for about 1 minute or until they are just dry up. Make sure they are not burnt. Transfer the saffron onto a plate and leave to cool and crisp before crushing with a spoon. Add a tablespoon of boiling water to dissolve the saffron and stir into the almond mixture. Add the ground cardamom. Pour into individual dishes or one serving glass bowl, cool and chill. Add the extra flaked almonds as garnishing before serving.

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