Asian Online Recipes (Asian Desserts)
Asian Online Recipes - Delicious Desserts

Eight Treasure Pudding Recipe

Eight Treasure Pudding Recipe

Ingredients :

600 g glutinous rice

60 g lard (solidified at room temperature)

75 g sugar

25 g almond, walnut and chestnuts

6 tablespoons dried fruit of your choice

75 g sweet bean paste


Method :

Wash the glutinous rice and rinse. Add 1 cm of water to a saucepan and add in the rice. Bring the saucepan to the boil and simmer gently for about 12 minutes. Stir in all the sugar and half of the lard and mix well. Use the remaining lard to grease the sides of a large heatproof basin. Stick and spread out the nuts and dried fruits of your choice on lard at the sides of the basin as well as the bottom.


Place a layer of the glutinous rice in the bain. Then spread a thin layer of the sweet bean paste on top of the layer of glutinous rice. Repeat with the rice and then the bean paste. Finish with a rice layer. Use a foil to cover the basin, leaving a little gap between the rice and the foil for expansion during cooking.


Place the basin in a steamer to steam setadily for slightly over an hour or until cooked. Remove from heat. Turn out the pudding onto a large round heated serving dish by inverting the basin. If preferred, you can decorate the pudding with more dried fruits.

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