Fruits are highly beneficial in maintaining
acid-alkaline balance in the body. They neutralize the toxic condition
of the body resulting from excessive intake of acid-forming foods and
restore its alkalinity. They help clear the system of morbid waste and
cater to the body's requirement of natural sugar, vitamins and minerals.
Fasting is considered as Nature's oldest and
most effective method of treating diseases. The best and safest way of
fasting is juice fasting. The procedure is to take the juice of an
orange or any other juicy fruits, such as grapes, grapefruit, mosambi,
and pineapple, diluted 50:50 with water, every two hours from 8 am to 8
pm. Nothing else, whatsoever, may be taken, as otherwise the value of
the juice fast will be entirely lost. Canned or frozen juices should not
be used. The total daily liquid intake should be about six to eight
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace
elements contained in fresh fruit juices are extremely beneficial in
normalizing all the body processes. They supply needed elements for the
body's own healing activity and cell regeneration and thereby speed up
the recovery. Each day, while fasting it should be ensured that the
bowels are cleansed of the toxic matter thrown off by the self-cleansing
process set up by the body. This can be done by a warm water enema.
Next to the short juice fasting, the
all-fruit diet is nature's finest eliminating medium. The value of fresh
juicy fruits in overcoming of all diseased conditions, especially
chronic diseases, by the cleansing of tissues, is incalculable. The
all-fruit diet is highly beneficial particularly in cases of bronchitis,
rheumatism, chronic catarrh and constipation as it fills the body with
life-giving mineral salts.
In the case of the all-fruit diet, one
should take three meals a day of fresh, ripe juicy fruits such as
apples, pears, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, peaches, melon or
any other juicy fruit in season. Bananas should, however, not be taken,
nor should any other foodstuff be added to the fruit diet. For drinks,
plain water or unsweetened lemon water may be taken.