Origin, Distribution and Composition
Butea, also known as "flame of the forest", is a well known tree of India.
The scarlet and orange flowers of the tree make its name appropriate.
Butea is a medium-sized tree, with compound leaves. The leaves fall in
winter and flowers bloom in February-March in small but dense dusters
generally on leafless branches, and the tree appears to be aflame. The
fruits are flat pods, with a single seed in each fruit.
This herb is indigenous to India. The trade name butea, is based on the
scientific name of the plant. The tree is found chiefly in the mixed or
dry deciduous forests of Central and Western India.
The red-colored gum, called Bengal kino or butea gum, obtained from the
tree, is rich in gallic and tannic acids. The seeds contain a yellow fixed
oil called moodooga oil or kino-tree oil, small quantities of a resin and
large quantities of a water-soluble albuminoid. Fresh seeds contain
proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. The flowers contain glucosides, butrin,
butin and neteroside. A number of fatty acids have been isolated from the
Healing Power and Curative Properties
The butea gum, the seeds and leaves of the tree have medicinal properties.
The leaves of the tree are tonic and aphrodisiac. They are useful in
arresting secretion or bleeding.
Diarrhea and Dysentery
The gum of the tree is useful in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.
Its action is however mild, particularly suitable for children and women
of delicate disposition. It is given in doses of 3 decigrams to 2 grams,
with a few decigrams of aromatics. The leaves can be chewed orally during
the ailment. Infusion or decoction of the gum as a rectal enema would
yield instant relief. Fresh juice of the leaves is also useful in these
Intestinal Worms
The seeds are administered internally, either in the form of powder or
made into a paste with honey as an anthelmintic to kill intestinal worms.
They are specially useful in the treatment of roundworms and tapeworms.
Recent experiments have confirmed their effectiveness in eliminating round
worms. About a gram of the seeds mixed with honey can be given thrice a
day for 3 days to treat intestinal worms. On the fourth day, a dose of
castor oil may be administered to evacuate the bowels.
Skin Disorders
The seeds are beneficial in the treatment of certain skin diseases. The
seeds, ground and mixed with lemon juice, can be daubed on dhobi's itch—an
eczema-type of skin disorder, characterized by itching. They can also be
applied with gratifying results on ringworms. A hot poultice of the leaves
can be applied to resolve boils, pimples, tumorous piles, ulcers and
swellings. The crushed seeds can be used for killing maggots in wounds and
The leaves of the tree are very useful in diabetes. They reduce blood
sugar and are useful in glycosuria--that is, the presence of a large
amount of glucose in urine.
The leaves are also beneficial in the treatment of leucorrhoea. Decoction
or infusion of leaves should be used as a vaginal douche for this purpose.
Sore Throat
The leaves are useful in congested and septic throat. A decoction of the
leaves obtained by boiling them in water, should be used as a mouth-wash
in the treatment of this disorder.
Retention of Urine
The leaves are useful in treating the difficulty of retention of urine.
The pubic region should be fomented with the leaves in this disorder.