Asian Online Recipes (Burmese Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Burmese Chicken Curry Recipe

Burmese Chicken Curry Recipe

Ingredients :

1 kg chicken, thigh parts

3 roughly chopped onions

5 cloves chopped garlic

5 cm chopped ginger

2 tablespoons cooking oil

1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste

200 g dried rice vermicelli

2 cups coconut milk

1.5 teaspoon chili powder

Salt to taste

Method :

Use cold running water to wash the chicken before drying it completely with a kitchen towel. Use a food processor and add in the ginger, onion and garlic until they becomes a smooth paste. If required, just add a little water to help the blender in mixing the ingredients.

Heat a wok or frying pan and add in the oil. Saute the onion mixture with the shrimp paste, stirring over high heat for about 5~6 minutes. Add the chicken and continue cooking over a medium heat until it turns brown. Add the salt according to taste, chili powder and coconut milk. Bring to the boil. reduce the heat to medium and simmer with the lid on for about 30 minutes. Stir the mixture when necessary. Uncover the wok and cook for a further 20 minutes or until the chicken is tender. Test using a fork. Serve while hot.


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