Asian Online Recipes (Burmese Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Fried Pork with Garlic Curry Recipe

Fried Pork with Garlic Curry Recipe

Ingredients :

2 kg pork loin, debones and skin removed

20 cloves garlic

3 onions, roughly chopped

1 cup fresh ginger, peeled and chopped roughly

Salt to taste

2 teaspoons chili powder

2 tablespoons vinegar

3/4 cup peanut oil

1/4 cup sesame oil

1 teaspoon turmeric, ground


Method :

Cut the pork loin into bite size of 2.5 cm cubes. Use a food process to blend the garlicm, onions, ginger into a fine paste. Sift the mixture through a strainer to remove as much liquid as possible. Add this liquid into a wok with the pork, vinegar, chili powder, salt and half of the peanut oil. Bring the wok to the boil. Cover and simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours or until the pork is tender.

In another wok, heat up the remaining oil and the sesame oil. Stir in the ginger, garlicm, onion left in the strainer. Add te turmeric, stir and cook for about 10 minutes under a low heat. Add a little water if the mixture starts to burn. Due to the quantity, it might take about 20-30 minutes for the mixture to cook.

When the 2nd mixture is cooked, add the content from the first wok and cook uncovered until the liquid is almost evaporated. Stir frequently during the cooking to ensure that the grave does not stick and burn. Serve with steamed white rice while still hot.


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