Asian Online Recipes (Chinese Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Bean Curd Fish in Chili Sauce Recipe

Bean Curd Fish in Chili Sauce Recipe

Ingredients :

1/2 kg mackerel

2 scallions, white parts

2 clove garlic

2 slices ginger root, peeled

2 cakes bean curd

4 tablespoons cooking oil

2 tablespoons chili puree

1 tablespoon soy sauce

2 tablespoons rice wine

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 1/2 cups stock

Salt to taste


Method :

Wash the fish, discard the head and backbone. Crush and cut the garlic with the ginger root into small pieces. Cut the scallion (scallions) whites parts only into short lengths. Cut each bean curd into about 10 pieces. Blanch them in boiling water. Remove and soak them in stock with salt. Heat up a wok with the oil until hot and fry the fish until both sides are golden. Put them to one side, tilt the wok and put in the chili puree. When it starts to bubble, return the wok back to the original position and push the fish back. Add soy sauce, rice wine or sherry, onion, ginger root, garlic and a little stock of about 1/2 cup. At the same time, add the bean curd taken from the stock and cook with the fish for about 10 minutes. Now pick out the fish with chop-sticks and place them on a serving dish. Then quickly mix the cornstarch with a little cold water and add to the wok to make a smooth sauce with the bean curd. Pour it all over the fish and serve hot.


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