Asian Online Recipes (Chinese Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Crab Casserole Recipe

Crab Casserole Recipe

Ingredients :

2 x 600g crabs

3 cups peanut oil

1 tablespoon cornstarch

3 teaspoons garlic, chopped

5 slices fresh ginger

2 stalks scallions



8 tablespoons stock

2 teaspoons oyster sauce

1 teaspoon oil

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon rice wine

Few drops of sesame seed oil


Method :

Clean the crabs thoroughly and scrub if necessary. Then crush the claws and chop each crab into six pieces. Dry and dust with cornstarch. Heat the peanut oil and fry the crabs for 1 minute. Remove the crab from the pan and drain the oil. Heat the large pan or wok. Add the garlic, ginger and scallions (scallions) and sauté for 15 seconds to release their aromatic flavors. Mix and turn them quickly with the crab before transferring the mixture to a clay container or casserole. Add the seasonings. Cover the pot and cook for 2 minutes over a high heat, turning the contents from time to time. Serve in the clay pot or casserole.


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