Asian Online Recipes (Chinese Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Fish Head Casserole Recipe

Fish Head Casserole Recipe

Ingredients :

500 g fish head

50 g lean pork

5 Chinese dried mushrooms, soaked in hot water

2 cakes bean curd

3 slices ginger root, peeled

2 scallions

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons rice wine

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons flour

1 1/4 cup stock

Oil for deep-frying




Red chili

Chinese parsley


Method :

Cut and discard the gills from the fish head. Rub the inside and outside of the fish head with salt. Then coat the head with flour. Cut the pork, mushrooms, bean curd and ginger root into small slices. Cut the onions into short lengths. Deep-fry the fish head over a moderate heat for 10 minutes or until golden. Remove. Heat a little oil in a sand-pot or casserole. Put in the ginger root and onions, followed by pork, mushrooms and bean curd. Stir for a while then add rice wine or sherry, sugar, soy sauce, stock and the fish head. Bring it to the boil. Add a little salt, reduce heat and simmer for about 7 minutes. Garnish with onions, red chili and Chinese parsley (fresh cilantro). Serve in a claypot or casserole while hot.


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