Asian Online Recipes (Chinese Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Peking Duck Recipe

Peking Duck Recipe

Ingredients :

2.5 kg duck of medium size

30 pieces Chinese pancake to wrap


Coating the duck

1.5 tablespoon sugar

1.5  teaspoon cornflour

1 teaspoon vinegar


For garnishin

8 scallions, cut into 5cm lengths

1/2 cucember, cut into 5cm lengths

2~3 red chilies, sliced finely


Sauce as accompaniment

4 tablespoons Hoisin sauce

2 tablespoon peanut butter

2 tablespoon Sesame oil

2 tablespoon Chinese wine

Cooking Method :


First, ensure that the duck is completely cleaned and dried. Add about 30 cups of water to a pot and bring to the boil. Turn the heat off before plunging the duck into the water for about a minute before removing. Repeat the boiling process and dipping of the duck for a total of 4~5 times.


Hang the duck by tying a string on its neck in a cool dry place for approximately 4 hours. Add all the ingredients for coating the duck together with 10 tablespoons of hot boiling water. Brush the duck with this coating mixture thoroughly. Hang for a further 4 hours before applying the second coating on the duck.


Preheat the over to a temperature of 450oF or 230oC. Place the duck on a wire rack above a roasting pan in the preheated oven. Roast for about 8~10 minutes before turning the duck for a roasting of another 8~10 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature down to 350oF / 180oC and roast the duck for a further 30 minutes with the breast side at the top. Carefully watch to ensure that the skin of the duck is not burnt. Once the duck skin has achieved a nice golden brown, turn off the heat.


Carve the duck and serve with the pancakes, cucubmer, scallions and the sauce. It makes a great and wonderful combination.


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