Asian Online Recipes (Indian & Pakistani Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Spicy Egg Curry Recipe

Spicy Egg Curry Recipe

Ingredients :

5 or 6 medium size eggs

2 finely chopped onions

3 cloves of finely chopped garlic

2 teaspoons ginger, finely grated

3 teaspoons coriander, ground

2 teaspoons cumin, ground

1 teaspoon turmeric, ground

1 teaspoon chili powder

3 diced tomatoes

Salt according to taste

1/2 cup boiling water

1/2 teaspoon garam masala

Cooking oil


Cooking Method :

Heat a pot of water and place in the eggs to make them hard boiled. Once done, place them under the running tap to cool them off before removing the shell. Cut the eggs into half. Heat up a wok and add in some cooking oil. Fry the garlic, onions, and ginger until soft and fragrant. Add in the 3 spices and continue frying for another 2 minutes. Lower the heat to medium, add the diced tomates and salt according to taste. Cook until the tomatoes are soft. Add the boiling water and simmer until it becomes a thick gravy. Close with a lid if necessary. Add the garam masala and eggs. When heated, serve with streamed white rice immediately.


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