Ingredients :
1 chayote, cut into 2 cm cubes
200 g grilled small shark
300 cc thin coconut milk
50 g string beans, cut into 3 cm
50 g melinjo leaves
10 green beans (petai)
4 green chilies, sliced across
5 red chilies, sliced across
2 cm galangal, bruised
2 salam leaves
200 cc thick coconut milk
Spice (ground)
4 cloves garlic
6 shallots
1/2 teaspoon lesser galangal, chopped
1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
Method :
Add the thin coconut milk with the ground
spices into a pot and bring to a boil. Add the chayote and the fish.
Allow the ingredients to simmer until the chayote is soft. Add all the
other ingredients except thick coconut milk. Stir well and continue to
cook. When the vegetables are nearly cooked, add in the thick coconut
milk. Keep stirring frequently to prevent the coconut milk from
curdling. Serve while still hot.