Ingredients : Serves 4 4
fish steaks
2 cloves garlic, crushed
3 teaspoons palm sugar
2 fresh red chilies, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup dark soy sauce
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon kencur powder
1/2 teaspoon sereh powder
2 lemons, sliced thinly
Banana leaves and aluminum foil for
Method :
Clean and wash the fish fillet. Then pat
dry with paper towels. Crush the garlic with some of the measured sugar.
Combine the sugar, chilies, garlic, soy sauce, lemon juice, sereh powder
and kencur powder. Then pour over the fish fillet in a shallow dish and
marinate for 30 minutes. Drain and place each fish steak on a square of
washed banana leaf backed with a large square of heavy-duty aluminum
foil. Pour a spoonful of the marinade inside the fish and over the top.
Put a few slices of lemon on the fish, overlapping them slightly. Wrap
and make a neat parcel. Grill the fish parcel over glowing charcoals or
under a preheated griller for 10 minutes on each side. Simmer marinade
for 2-3 minutes. If necessary, add more water and soy sauce. Serve the
cooked fish in its parcel. Serve with white rice.