Only buy fresh looking watercress - the
darker and larger the leaves the better. Avoid any with wilted or yellow
leaves. It will keep for several days in the fridge or better still,
submerged in a bowl, or arranged in a jar of cold water, and kept in a
cool place.
When preparing, discard any yellow leaves
and remove thick stalks which will be too coarse for salads or soups.
Small sprigs can be added to salads. For soups and purees, either blend
watercress raw or cook briefly in stock, milk or water. Cooking
inevitably destroys some of the nutrients but cooked watercress has a
less harsh flavor, while still retaining its characteristic peppery
Water is extremely rich in vitamins A, B2,
C, D and E. It is also rich in calcium. potassium and iron and provides
significant quantities of sulphur and chloride.