Asian Online Recipes (Vegetables Guide)
Guide to Vegatables

Callaloo, Jicama & Cassava

Callaloo, Jicama & Cassava


They are the leaves of the taro plant, poisonous if eaten raw, but used widely in Asian and Caribbean recipes. They are cooked thoroughly, then used for wrapping meat and vegetables. Callaloo can also be shredded and cooked together with pork, bacon, crab, shrimps, okra, chili, onions and garlic, together with lime and coconut milk to make one of the Caribbean's most famous dishes, named after the leaves themselves, Callaloo.


Also known as the Mexican potato, this large root vegetable is a native of central America. It has a thin brown skin and white, crunchy flesh which has a sweet, nutty taste. It can be eaten cooked in the same way as potatoes or sliced and added raw to salads. Buy specimens that are firm to the touch. Jimaca in good condition will keep for about two weeks if stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.


This is another very popular West Indian root, used in numerous Caribbean dishes, It is native to Brazil, and found its way to the West Indies surprisingly via Africa, where it also became a popular vegetable. Known as cassava in the West Indies, it is called manioc or mandioc in brazil, and juca or yucca is used in other parts of South America. Cassava is used to make tapioca, and in South America a sauce and an intoxicating beverage are prepared from the juice. However, in Africa and the West Indies it is eaten as a vegetable either boiled, baked or fried, or cooked and pounded to a dough to make fufu, a traditional savory African pudding.

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