Asian Online Recipes (Thailand Recipes)
Asian Online Recipes

Thai Recipes

Thailand Recipes

Just about every Thai meal is a delicate balanced exercise of vibrant tastes. The soups and curries tend to be sour and creamy sweet, flavored using sour tamarind, scarlet-hot chilies, tangy lime leaves as well as handfuls of fragrant basil, cilantro and mint. Even though the cooking of Thailand has borrowed from some other countries, stir-fried and steamed recipes from China, spices or herbs from India - most of these influences have already been molded right into a cuisine whose flavor and fragrances are distinctively Thai.

  1. Braised Beef with Spinach and Leeks

  2. Chiang Mai Curry Paste

  3. Chicken and Galangal Soup

  4. Chicken with Coconut Milk and Laos

  5. Chicken with Ginger Shreds

  6. Chili Fried Rice

  7. Chili Jam

  8. Coconut and Palm Sugar Sweet

  9. Cucumber Salad

  10. Deep Fried Chicken with Yellow Bean Sauce

  11. Eggs Tom Yam Soup

  12. Fat Horses

  13. Fish Fillets in Coconut Milk

  14. Fish in Red Sauce

  15. Fried Crispy Chicken

  16. Fried Eggs Stuffed with Pork and Seafood

  17. Fried Fish with Tamarind

  18. Fried Meat Balls

  19. Garlic and Vinegar Sauce

  20. Galloping Horses

  21. Golden Bean Cakes

  22. Golden Prawn Puffs

  23. Green Chicken Curry

  24. Green Chicken Curry (2)

  25. Green Curry Paste

  26. Green Fish Curry

  27. Green Mango Salad

  28. Green Prawn Curry

  29. Larb (Spicy Meat Salad)

  30. Mixed Fried Vermicelli

  31. Muslim Curry

  32. Muslim Curry Paste

  33. Nam Prik (Thai Shrimp Sauce)

  34. Pork and Chicken Soup

  35. Pork and Crab Balls

  36. Pork and Crab Sausage

  37. Pork Skin Salad

  38. Red Beef Curry

  39. Red Curry Paste

  40. Red Curry Paste (2)

  1. Red Shrimps Curry

  2. Red Vegetable Curry

  3. Rice Kapi

  4. Shrimp Paste Sambal

  5. Shrimp Rolls

  6. Shrimps Soup with Lily Buds

  7. Steamed Coconut Milk Pudding

  8. Steamed Custard in Pumpkin Shell

  9. Steamed Rice

  10. Stuffed Soy Bean Cake

  11. Sweet Coconut Rice

  12. Sweet Pork

  13. Thai Crispy Noodles

  14. Thai Curry Noodle

  15. Thai Fried Rice

  16. Thai Garlic Chicken

  17. Thai Shrimps Soup

  18. Thai Steamed Fish

  19. Thai Styled Fried Fish

  20. Tom Kha Gai (chicken and galangal soup)

  21. Tom Yam Soup

  22. Water Chestnut Salad

  23. Whole Fried Fish with Ginger Sauce


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